Web Quality of Life Update (08/09/24) (v4.22)

This update introduces some quality of life changes for the website and Lambda staff members

lambda.tf website
Added Notifications for Ban Appeals

These are turned on by default, you can modify this in your notification settings

Staff notifications for when ban appeals are created
Moved Appeal, Staff Applications, Reports and Store orders from database backed statuses to enum backed statuses

This will improve performance by doing less database calls and this is the industry standard way of doing things

Meetup Events now have support for logos

This is initially used on the new User Profile "attended meetups" but will be rolled out as part of the Meetup page in a future update.

Staff Notification channel for the Discord bot
Improved the colour for the "online" state of a user

Now uses a light blue colour

Improved the colour for the "in-game" state for users

Now uses a lime green colour

User Profiles have a new look

User profiles now have a brand new look!

  • Added User Information box, which contains the following information:
    • 64-bit SteamID
    • 32-bit SteamID
    • User timezone, including how many hours ahead or behind they are compared to your timezone
    • Local Time
    • Language
  • Added an Attended Meetups box
    • This shows a list of all meetups a user is a confirmed attendee
  • Added an Operation Tours box
    • This shows a list of operations the user has participated in (e.g purchased a pass)
  • Added Community Ratings (e.g Good Trader, Teacher etc) to the "Community Standing" box
  • Game Activity has now had an overhaul, games are now grid based and use the standard blur design
    • Hours now show instead of a text representation
  • Profile comments have now been moved to their own tab
  • Moved Friends & Screenshsots to a "More" dropdown tab
  • Comments, Games & Screenshots now have badges showing the amount of items
  • Added Workshop Submissions under the "More" tab
  • Added Workshop Collections under the "More" tab
  • Added a button to view the users associated Steam profile
  • The user profile banner now shows the users primary group, online status and join time.
Moved Store Wallet Transaction types over to enums
Various minor bug fixes
Discord Bot
Added an RPC Listener for when Ban Appeals are created
Added support for the new "Staff Notifications" channel option
Change Logs Navigation