Notifications are here! now has support for notifications via Email, Web & Discord


Today we have rolled out notifications for

This is has been a feature that we were meant to ship when we first launched the website, however with changing priorities, this was moved to the bottom of the pile.

Currently notifiations are delivered via Email, Web & Discord.

You can of course customise how and were you receive notifications, if you don't fancy being sent emails or Discord DM's via our bot, you can turn that off.

Head over to to change your preferences and delivery channels.


The main focus with the notification system were emails, and we have clear and simple email notifications without any clutter:



There is of course a way to interact with notifications on the website too, with a simple and clean design showing your most recent notifications and a way to view all and clear all of your notifications



If you have verified using the Lambda Bot (aka Verified or linked your account) you will also receive notifications via Discord.


For Discord we take full advantage of the Embeds feature of Discord, so in some ways you get some extra information not shown in emails or web notifications.

Notification Types

Currently we have notifications for the following aspects of the Lambda website:

  • Friends System
  • Messenger
  • Community Market
  • Store (Orders, Donations & Wallet)
  • Workshop
  • User Profile comments

In the future we plan to add different types of notifications, as we've not covered everything with this release.


So this is a big, but very important feature out of the way, and we hope users find it useful to get notified about their content and interactions on the website.

If you have any issues, feel free to let us know via Discord

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Notifications are here! Navigation