Discord Bot now online!

We've rewritten the Discord bot from scratch to take advantage of some of the new features


The Discord Bot is now back!

We have now re-written the bot from the ground up to utilise some of Discord's latest features such as Slash Commands, Modals & Components.

So far, the new bot has the following functionality:

  • Verification
  • Join/Leave/Ban/Unban Messages
  • Git Commits
  • Weather
  • SteamID checking
  • Toggle Roles

Available Commands

The full list of commands are as follows:

/add-roleNoneAdd a toggle role
/remove-roleNoneRemove a toggle role
/check-verifyNoneCheck your verification status, and add the Verified role (If applicable)
/settings unitsNoneSet your measurement units preferences for the weather command
/settings locationNoneSet your default location for the weather command
/steamidUser (Optional)Get your SteamID or another Discord Users
/verifyCode (Number)The 6 digit code given to you to verify


The verification system is back.

To get started, simply go to the Connections Page on LambdaID and click the Link button under Discord.

Once you've got your 6 digit code, you can put the code in the verification command:


If you are having issues getting the verify command to work, click on the Plus button next to the text input and click on “Use Apps”


Click on “Verify”


New Features

We intend on adding new features to the bot overtime.

Since we've done a whole backend re-write, this will take some time to get the bot back up with some of the existing features.

For now we've added the essentials.

If you have any suggestions for new features, feel free to let us know in Discord.

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